

Offline ChickanBone

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« on: June 04, 2015, 03:32:04 PM »
This thread will have future updates so Members can keep track of what is happening with the 4M!
To speak about the updates and features, you can post here:

Updates as of yet since I've become an Admin,

*** New 4M Exclusive Stickers have been implemented. ( [4mdouble] [loveseat] [hide] ) More will be added in the future!

*** Moved around sections to make it more approachable for newer members.

*** The RP and NekoLand sections have been hidden due to lack of participation(Viewable by 4M Masters and above).
Once the 4M Becomes more active both sections will return better than ever, until then there is a new 4M Thread Games section.

*** I am now paying for 4M Advertisement on other websites this will hopefully bring in new and active posters!

*** Red is working on a possible 4M Cast! Anyone who wants to jump in on it can shoot him a direct message or post on his topic at, http://www.4m4life.com/Forum/index.php?topic=7076.0


The 4M is still alive and kicking!
 [nails] [nails] [nails] [nails]

Offline kinjo

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« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2015, 09:19:27 AM »
I absolutely love the new Stickers! Keep drawing Chickan!!!

Let me know if you need help with the advertising cost, I want to help :)