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« on: October 31, 2009, 06:37:40 PM »

The United Archadian Republic is represented by High Filo Kinjo Kid. This country has adopted a free election process which allows each citizen to vote freely for whatever type of representation they feel appropriate. Upon the birth of each new child, a multi-function processor is implanted in the child's brain which provides each citizen with 100% of all new information experienced by said child. All citizens are afforded the right to free health care and the medical community frequently sponsors seminars on healthy living and dieting.

Crime is non-existent due to the constant vigilance of a well organized policing force which exclusively uses capital punishment against all violators of the law. United Archadian Republic has great pride in its powerful military force which does not hesitate to reprimand any violation of the law publicly and with unusually excessive force. Citizens of United Archadian Republic are allowed to practice any religious beliefs which they feel appropriate. All citizens of this country take a mandatory standardized test to evaluate their intelligence, and all those who do not score well enough are deported to other countries.

The citizens of United Archadian Republic are so environmentally conscious they live entirely on the three day old droppings of vegetarian animals. The work day has been extended to 24 hours, given that sleep is a commodity which only the wealthy can afford, and citizens of United Archadian Republic enjoy any freedom they deem appropriate, given it does not infringe upon the freedoms of any other citizen or offend any other citizen in practice.

The United Archadian Republic, or UAR, is the central civilian government that administers Archadia and its colonies throughout a portion of the Archadia System of the Milky Way galaxy. It houses the Colonial Administration Authority and Colonial Military Administration, and through them the Archadian Republic Space Command.

Languages Spoken: English (official), Spanish, Latin
Government: United Interstellar Federal Marche Republic
Founded: Royal Archadia: April 23rd, 1097 [Under the Decree of Unity]
Spanish/British Ordalia: 1627 [Result of War of 1625]
Royal Archadia: 1789 [Treaty of Bahamut]
The United Federation: May 16th, 2009 [Under the Second Decree of Unity]
The Marche Republic: June 18th, 2122 [Under the Third Decree of Unity]
The United Archadian Republic: October 28th, 2209 [Under the Fourth Decree of Unity/Result of the Great War of the Pacific]

Main Industries: Clean energy, steel, vehicles, aerospace, telecommunications, chemicals, electronics, organic foods, consumer goods, lumber, mining, defense, and weapons manufacturing.

Military Resume: Royal Archadia has been in many armed conflicts so we keep up to date with our weapons technology. Our military is made up of primarily top grade soldiers, trained with top priority and are extremely powerful and mobile.


Capital: Nova Bahamut
Climate: Space

Population: 10,849,404,163
Military Size: 5,424,701,587
Major Religion: Christianity
Language: English

Currency: Lion Riyal (LiRi)
Wealth: $1,084,940,416,297,976
Unemployment: 0%

Motto: Fight for her.
Nickname: The United Archadian Republic
Color(s): White, Blue, Gray
Flower: Apple Blossom
Tree: Apple Tree
Animal: White Fox
Bird: Phoenix



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Re: [yoshi]
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2009, 06:38:37 PM »

The United Archadian Republic, or UAR, is the central civilian government that administers Archadia and its colonies throughout a portion of the Archadia System of the Milky Way galaxy, and other various celestial entities. It houses the Colonial Administration Authority and Colonial Military Administration, and through them the Archadian Republic Space Command. Rooted in the Archadian lands on Earth, specifically on the continent of Muhr, the UAR is a highly structured colonial government with power held by the mainland and representatives from across the galaxy. The UAR is a Tier 3 Society, with efficient Slipspace navigation, mass drivers, asynchronous linear-induction weapons, holocrystal storage and semi-sentient AI (though their creation requires memory transfer from freshly deceased and/or flash cloning). The UAR exceeds its own expectations in quality of life, health care, education, and national stability even with the amount of governmental changes put into effect. The United Archadian Republic is a undeclared superpower but relies on diplomacy rather than fists to solve international disputes. The UAR's leader is President of the Global Defense Alliance, a original member of the Earth Planetary Defense Network (EPDN), and founder of the Archadian League, among other various alliances.

The UAR is entirely self sufficient now that it has branched into outer space but relied  heavily on other nation's for food and small industry such as Aldatia or Xie. The UAR now maintains strong relations with these countries by drafting economic treatises to maintain the value of each nation's products. Among the nation's the UAR also holds warm feelings with the Royalist Kingdom, the Osean Federation, the Empire of Barsus, Brittaniaa,Erikobbystan, Russian Collective, Paraguay, the Ultramarines, Augustinian, Kira's Kingdom, and many others.

The United Archadian Republic was formed after the Great War of the Pacific when Miasma Strikes on behalf of the Chinese Empire left the homeland weak and vulnerable. Archadia along with other Pacific nation's such as Aldatia, Australia, New Zealand and their allies intervened and allowed the Marche Republic to evacuate to the newly discovered Archadia System. A massive naval battle ensued between the Chinese
Empire, Japan, and United Korea. After a long and arduous war, the Chine Empire was defeated and dissolved, the UAR was formed, and the homeland was reclaimed.


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Re: [yoshi]
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2009, 06:39:28 PM »

Originally known as Archadia; Archadia was a small land lying between lush landscapes and rolling mountains. Chocobos roamed the land freely, and Archadians had a rich culture of nobility, and tradition, being a swordsman was a right of passage. Sadly, It was conquered by a lying Emperor and soon became a political slave to Damascus, an Empire whose Fist was said to have cracked even the hardest of lands.

Archadia was renamed "The Captive State of District 7". Damascus used Archadia as a military district, to fight their wars and affairs for them. Damascus struck a cord on the harp of death, killing anyone or anything that stood in their way, leaving many countries to wait in fear for their destruction. One woman sought to change this, Rinoa Birdsong (the figure on our flag).

She sought to fight for freedom, no matter the cause. So she organized a group of untrained rebels to fight as her army, dubbed the "Vanguards of Fate"; they were fitted in the traditional clothes of a swordsman, but lacked conventional armor. They were famous for their blue color. However, Damascan "Judges" or military leaders, destroyed rebellions on site. For three months, Birdsong led her army against Damascus by using guerrilla warfare. By rallying support of the people and raiding key armories, Birdsong organized a somewhat adequate army.

Now named "Archadia" once again by the people, the rebels allied with other captive states against Damascus and on July 17th they became victorious against their oppressors. Although she (Birdsong) led her fellow people to freedom, she died on the battlefield. She was buried on a hill overlooking the freed land as requested before she died.

Her last words were "Where there is freedom there shall be Archadia's love, where there is slavery there shall be Archadia's sword!" It is now the site of a National Monument. As one of the original Vanguard's of Fate, Sir Andujar was elected to rule over the newly created "Empire of Royal Archadia", a group of principalities/captive states of Damascus.

Upon the dissolution of Damascus, Archadia gained the lands of New Damascus, St. Ivalice, Solidor, Old Archadia, Corsica, Union, Ramada, Sforza, Rimini, Lucca, Faenza, Romagna, Elba, Hiero, Valentine, Orsini, Orco, Ascanio, and Rouen; all remnants of the Empire of Damascus. (Which were all principalities). Thus Royal Archadia was formed on April 23rd, 1097.

Although Royal Archadia did have relations with many European nations such as the Holy Roman Empire sending missions to Archadia, and the Dutch trading with the nation, some nations wanted more. In the year 1625, the British Empire sent armies bring the land under the British Crown and succeeded against the Archadian Army which vastly under developed. Archadia lost the War of 1625 and most of Archadia came under the control of the British Crown. The Spanish were given a portion of the northwest and Tida and the Lufenian Isles because they had helped in the war and had agreed with Britain that it would receive land. During this time the Ordalian Isles molded itself into a westernized country rooted in Ordalian tradition, medical advances as well as military and educational advances were made. Much of the previous government was kept in tact for the sole exemption of answering to the British Crown, the British, Spanish, Africans, Americans (South and Caribbean), and other Europeans accounted for 63% of the population and slowly but surely the three original tribes dwindled, but still existed, they interbred with the Europeans, the African slaves brought in, and many peoples from the South Americas and Caribbean to form a unique culture and race.

Archadians even fought in the Seven Year’s War through 1756–1763, on the sides of Spain and Britain, which provided the Archadian Army with the training and experience it would need later in the Archadian Revolutionary War. After the war, Spanish Ordalia was ceded to British Ordalia as a result of the Treaty of Paris (1763). During the time between 1763 and 1783, Britain was weakened by the independence of British America and the many wars it was fighting, Archadia saw its chance. It allied itself with France and the newly created United States of America.

With monetary assistance, training, and the naval help of France, the underground revolutionary movement slowly grew and on 1784, announced its war against Britain. An Archadian noble by the name of Reuben Andujar, a direct descendant of Sir Andujar, united the British Archadian colonies and fought back for four long years, and in 1789, British Ordalia gained independence and formed the Federation of Royal Archadia, and immediately banned slavery. Reuben Andujar was named President and wrote a constitution with the help of United State’s President George Washington.

Royal Archadia continues to be great allies with France, and the United States. In the next decade both the United States and Royal Archadia with the help of each other created their own Navy, and both fought in the undeclared Quasi War, which was ended when President John Adams of the United States ended it through diplomacy. Royal Archadia then proceeded to back the United States in many wars, such as the War of 1812, of which both nations felt abused by Great Britain.

However, despite many small conflicts, the Federation ruled peacefully and freely, it became a rich and powerful nation, and developed a true sense of culture, unity, history, and pride. Poets and writers were at home in Archadia, as the arts were highly appreciated. All families had and still have their own Coat of Arms and all children are required to learn how to use a sword before the age of 18. Archadia soon became known as a sea ferrying nation, known for its adventurers and explorers in Muhr.

Urbanization and Industrialization proved to be a hard time in Royal Archadian history, and the effects that came with them took a toll on the country. But, hard work proved to birth rewards as Royal Archadia’s railway and industry rivaled that of many other nations.

Soon, other empires sprouted up on Muhr and abused their power. The Constitution never fully removed absolute power from the President. The current President fully realizing this ceded his power voluntarily.

Later in the 19tth century, the Spanish-American War which Archadia also fought in, Archadia helped America gain control of Puerto Rico, Guam, the Philippines, Cuba, but most importantly, Espada which was a Spanish colony. The United States occupied Espada with a majority of help from Royal Archadia. Espada gained independence in 1920 during World War I as did many other nations, although it retained a strong military presence both by the United States and Royal Archadia.

 Royal Archadia had joined in World War I after German U-boats blocked trade routes to New Zealand and Australia. Royal Archadia helped Australia and New Zealand capture German territories in the Pacific and eventually sent troops to other continents. In World War II Royal Archadia joined the war after Japan invaded Espada and bombed an Archadian harbor, Tida and the Lufenian Isles also joined the cause opening a Muhrian Campaign. With the help of Pacha Pulai escorts, Royal Archadia, and Tida and the Lufenian Isles and other nations rid Imperial Japan from many islands in the Pacific, Esapda and from Chiloe, which had secretly helped Japan.

Although the United States had become a superpower after the war, Royal Archadia was relatively strong, but not enough to become a supreme world power. After WWII, royal Archadia opened its own Cold War with Espada in which communists slowly overran the government. Tensions escalated when Espada, just like Cuba, asked for a Russian missile base to be placed in the country. They ultimately backed down. Royal Archadia also participated in the Korean War and the Vietnam War. In the 21st century, Royal Archadia also had its own share of terrorist attack right after it achieved superpower status by building an orbital elevator and ultimately joined in on the war on terror.

In 2008, the unholy creature Adrammelech wreaked havoc in the state of Valentine after he awakes from his sleep in the mountains of Archadia. He destroys many cities in the state and prompts the government to take the old legends seriously and institute a small church run branch of government in hopes of studying and preventing these attacks.

In 2009, the United Federation was created after Tida and the Lufenian Isles accepted to Royal Archadia and become one joint-state. The first creation of joint country was "The Anchor of Union", placed on the giant cliffs Bahamut. The new government studied the successes of other nations in Muhr and has re-funded its Space Program, advanced its pre-existing space colonies and stations, created a program to begin construction of sea labs, created a program to begin construction of floating cities like those planned by Kira's Kingdom to battle over population, and the construction of a super highway and super railways. Thousands of uninhibited islands along the seas of West Muhr were claimed by the union to become home of a series of reconnaissance outposts and relays.

Thirteen years later the Marche Republic was formed which returned the Ordalian Isles and its colonies back to its traditional and cultural roots which also made governing lands acquired by Tida and the Lufenian Isles and Royal Archadia easier, as all the lands in the previous union became states of the Republic, with Royal Archadia as the head state and political body. FMD 001, Wutai, Spirit, Song of the Bird, Song of the Saints, Viera, Reks, Chokobo, the Land of the Ffamran Sun, Anastasis, Bur-Nomme, Purvama, and Kytes all joined the Republic willingly as permanent states. A year later Tida and the Lufenian Isles became a member kingdom rather than state.

In 2036 High Queen Elizabeth dies without an heir. Two Archadian Judges (Military Commanders) fight for the throne, thrusting the country into a civil war. The White Lion (Del Beovule) fights on the side of the Senate in hopes of finding a new, noble leader for the Republic. The Black Lion (Jack Russel) fights for his right as heir. The War of the Lions, as it is deemed, ends after 10 years when Senate elects a temporary leader while searching for a rightful heir.

In 2051, High Confessor Marcus institutes the Order of the Cross, a special operation's paramilitary group to serve the Senate when necessary and six years later the Senate finds the last remaining member of House Birdsong in a small town in the Song of the Saints Commonwealth. Only 5 years of age, and his parents killed, the Senate rules until he comes of age. The Order of the Cross prevents a second War of the Lions. The child Luca ascends the throne at the age of 18 in 2067. He immediately begins building up the interior of the forgotten commonwealths. The mainland sees mass immigration of peoples from the furthest stretches of the Republic after the same rights of mainland citizens are given to those all over the Republic.

In 2130 High Filo Luca, 78, adopts all the children in a local orphanage, 12 in total, reeking havoc for Senate who tries to find a heir to the throne. High Filo Luca and High Queen Emily never birthed any children. The Senate decided to split power between the 12 children, all aged 5-11, until they reach legal age, then they will decide upon themselves who is deemed fit for the title. Thirteen years later Ramza Odell is voted to take the throne after his father dies. Ramza's 11 brothers and sisters use their power to better the quality of life in some of the forgotten regions of the Republic.

In 2146, an event called Blood of Bahamut took place where the living spirits of Archadia awoke as they did before. They destroy much of the north and force the military and High Filo Ramza Odell himself to rid of the spirits once and for all, finally putting an end to the spirits cycle of death and rebirth, the High Filo returns to live in a period of peace and rebuild what was destroyed.


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Re: [yoshi]
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2009, 06:41:26 PM »

The United Archadian Republic, or UAR, is the central civilian government that administers Archadia and its colonies throughout a portion of the Archadia System of the Milky Way galaxy. It houses the Colonial Administration Authority and Colonial Military Administration, and through them the Archadian Republic Space Command.

The United Archadian Government:
(or The Archadian Republic)

Executive Branch:

[Non-Elected/Permanent Head of State]

 High Filo: Ramza Odell [of House Birdsong]

[Elected/ 4 Year Interval]

Eleven Vice Filos: (Head of Senate)

[The Colonial Administration Authority serves as a federal government body, working under the Executive Branch.]

 Legislative Branch:

The Order of the Senate
[Two elected senators from each state]

The Order of the Congress
[The Security Council serves under the Congress]

The House of Representatives
[Varying number of elected representatives from all states]

Judicial Branch:

The Magistrate of Judges

[The Emergency Military serves under the Judicial Branch]

Federal Government:

Federal Districts/Capitals:
[No residing governor/Under Senate control]

Nova Bahamut [Celestial Authority]

Bahamut  [Earth Authority]

Earth Territories:

[Under Executive Control]

*Royal Archadia

[Including its federal states and prefectures]

 *United Commonwealth Government
[Each with its own Regent Rez; Wutai, Spirit, Song of the Bird, Song of the Saints, Viera, Reks, Chokobo, Land of the Ffamran Sun, Anastasis, Bur-Nomme, Purvama, Kytes, FMD 001]

 *The Kingdom of Tida and the Lufenian Isles

 *The East Coast Republic

[A collection of remnant territories of the United States and Canada residing on the East Coast of North America]

*The Baja California Republic

*United Republic of Canada and the North West United States

 *Puerto Rico

 *The Dominican Republic

Laptev Territories:


[Part of the United Commonwealth Government]

Haven Territories:

*The United Athenian Republics

[Three separate states joined as one]

Celestial Territories:

[Inner Colonies]

(Including moons and satellites: xM = number of moons, followed by names. [xx] is the prefix of the Royal Archadian state that first settled there. )

 Athenia (1M: Nova Bahamut)

Marlu [Ro, Un, Co] (4M: Faith, Luna, Reigning Deity, Caracara)

Dahlia [Hi, Ors, Or] (3M: Hope, Baja Luna, Sol Racht)

Colossus [Ri] (3M: Harmony, Bloom, Dirge)

Radiant Garden [Lu] (3M: Rinoa, Liberty Star, Aeon)

Aqua [TLI] (3M: Tribute, Anvil, Irua)

Aubade [El] (3M: Lyric, Dust, Fire)

Astral [Va] (3M: Valencia, Pride, Altsoba)

Lionheart [As] (3M: Traverse, Silence, Era)

Birth [Sf] (8M: Harvest, Castle, Seven, Raem, Meteor, Four Deity, Sabre, Lugae)

Avalanche [Wu] (4M: Truth, Berserk, Queen, Eagle) 

 [Outer Colonies]

(Including moons and satellites)


The Ark


AR2 B22 “Strikeâ€



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Re: [yoshi]
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2009, 06:45:22 PM »

 [yoshi]  AF is back!



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Re: [yoshi]
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2009, 10:32:19 PM »


My brain pattern set does not make a reply is still more work to be mean?Are you saying we define ourselves through our interactions and expectations of individuals and think this board and it is harmless, cheesy fun in the second girl who has done that has any comments on like knights of the prisoner in which you have, or are at the same in spirit. But i'm staying here for semantics.


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Re: [yoshi]
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2009, 12:16:49 AM »


xD LOL! I thought the same thing..
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Re: [yoshi]
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2009, 04:46:39 PM »

LKOLZ! TL;DR! [dbz]
Open for art commissions! Check out my portfolio for contact info and take a look at my art gallery. Thank you. :)

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Re: [yoshi]
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2010, 09:54:15 PM »

International Course
The International Course, an golf clubs inland links-style layout in Kent, England, is joined on the Schedule by another English course, Wychwood Park in Crewe, as well as fellow newcomers Barbaroux golf equipment Golf Club in Brignoles, France, Ebreichsdorf Golf Club in Vienna, Austria, and El Valle Golf Resort Polaris World in Murcia, Spain ishiner .

(( Sounds like a bot to me. AF, let me know if you want that post gone. ))


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Re: [yoshi]
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2010, 10:43:45 PM »

((It is a bot))
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10 Luffle Points~!

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Re: [yoshi]
« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2010, 01:49:51 AM »

AF posted that on last Halloween, Red he aint comin back :B



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Re: [yoshi]
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2010, 05:44:34 PM »

AF posted that on last Halloween, Red he aint comin back :B

(( But it's AF... ))
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