Theme: Every 20 years, the world has a worldwide tournament where people (Senshi) gather to one city and do battle. These people (Senshi) are all trained with their destined weapon to fight in this tournament. This weapon is the one weapon that which suits them better than anyone else in the world (Though there can be people who have the same weapon. This just means it suits both of them better then any other weapon. With this being said, I would say a sword is the most common weapon that most people would have. This doesn’t mean they are weaker then others with different weapons or equal to others with the same weapon. All people differ in their talent with their weapon. Also, a person may have more then one weapon, though it would mean they are not as skilled with one as they would with two).
Setting: Feudal area in Ryu Country (Meaning no electricity, lights, computers, and phones...ect...). Weapons of steel are what most people use for battle and or self-defense. There are five regions to Ryu Country. Ryu in the center, Ken to the northwest, Yo to the southwest, Ku to the southeast, and Shi to the northeast.
-Currency: Money in this world and time of age is called Rio (Though you can use slang for it such as cash and doe). One Rio is equal to five American dollars.
Example: 1 Rio = $5 Example2: 5 Rio = $25. (It's much more because they are in gold coin form)
Tournament: This worldwide tournament where Senshi gather is called Ryuketsu (which means bloodshed in Japanese). In Ryuketsu, each person is able to choose one teammate called a Mikata. Not everyone needs to have one, but it is suggested you do get one in order to survive. In this tournament, people may die. It is actually expected that people will die. This tournament, like most others, have
1.) All Senshi must be signed in to the Ryuketsu Administration (RA) before they are actually entered into Ryuketsu.
2.) All Senshi must have a weapon.
3.) To confirm a partnership to get a Mikata, you must sign an agreement with them and recorded with the Ryuketsu Administration (RA).
4.) A Senshi can only have one Mikata
5.) If a Mikata dies, you cannot get another one.
6.) You may confirm a partnership at anytime during Ryuketsu.
7.) Senshi are not to kill or harm those not in Ryuketsu.
8.) Once a Senshi or a Senshi and Mikata lose two battles, they are out of the tournament. A loss is always carried over to the team if the Senshi lost a battle before confirming a partnership (If a Senshi lost a battle and then got a Mikata that already lost a battle, they would be out of the tournament at the moment they are confirmed a team).
9.) Running away is not considered a battle lost.
10.) If you leave the region (Ryu), you are disqualified from Ryuketsu.
11.) Senshi are forbidden to battle on government property (controlled by RA) such as school, libraries, and Ryuketsu Administration posts...ect
12.) Battles may take place at anytime and anyplace besides those that are mentioned in rule 11.
-Battle Additions: In this RP, all people not just Senshi, have power called Spirit Energy. Spirit Energy is the same thing as you would call Chi or Chakura. Spirit Energy can be used to strengthen attacks and defenses. Spirit Energy can be sent through your weapon and sent out into a shockwave-like attack. Spirit Energy can be manipulated with acceleration and force like an object would to strengthen an attack or defense. Controlling Spirit Energy is extremely difficult. As for how much Spirit Energy each person has, we will say for now that it’s all equal even for those who are not Senshi (We will make things more complicated like that in the next RP). There are also different types of Spirit Energy.
Different types of Spirit Energy: A person can only have one type of Spirit Energy. These different types are elements that can be used to attack and or defend with. Though it’s pretty useless unless you can actually control your Spirit Energy. (Look at note below in order to make sense of elemental types)
-Flame type (Adaptable to Wind types)
-Water type (Is highly adaptable to element types of Earth, Thunder, and Wind)
-Earth type (Adaptable to Water types)
-Thunder type (Adaptable to Water types)
-Wind type (Adaptable to Flame and Water types)
Note: You are not only able to send Spirit Energy through a weapon, but able to combine your Spirit Energy with your Mikata’s to create a new attack or element type attack/defense.
-Senshi: These are everyone who participates in Ryuketsu. (Senshi means Warrior)
-Mikata: This is what they call your teammate/partner in Ryuketsu. Not everyone needs to have one. (Mikata means partner)
-Ryuketsu Administration: This is the organization (and government of Ryu country) that sets up the tournament every 20 years. If rules of Ryuketsu are broken and are observed by RA, then that Senshi team will be penalized (Given a loss, breaking of partnership with their Mitaka, and sometimes disqualified).
The Senshi or Senshi team who wins Ryuketsu are given the title of Ryusenshi which is a highly respectable title, receive a huge prize of 50,000 Rio, and given the right to participate in a special event... (Next RP maybe)
Note: RA can be located at any government building. This includes school. (These are the locations you can confirm your Mikata)
Map:Other:-You do not have to be a Senshi in this RP. This doesn't mean you can't fight or attack other people. The rules indicate that Senshi shouldn't attack those not in Ryuketsu, but if attacked, they may defend themselves. This also goes for those not in Ryuketsu, if those not in it attack a Senshi, the Senshi may also defend themselves.
-You’re main RPC (role playing character) should resemble yourself.
-You may have as many RPCs as you CAN MANAGE.
-Romance is encouraged.
-Get more girls for this RP so it can be more dramatic. =_=
-The school in Ryu region is called Ryu High. All people who are 18 and under go to school there. The school teaches things like reading, writing, and the basics of mathematics since we're still in a older era that doesn't have so many options for a career and many choices for classes. (There are still pencils and paper and desks).
Note: School is optional each day. You pay for your school each week at the door and then you are allowed inside with an ID for that week.
-You may have a name for your Ryuketsu team, though you don't have to have one if you don't want to.