:D WELCOME~! Friend of Envy's perhaps? Hmmm~!
If you have any questions, ideas, need help, whatever I'm here for you!
Everything Flash said was pretty much how its done.
Bios are easy, most RPs here require them, but not all. Its basically just general info
Name: Nacho Cheese
Age: 18 years old
Hair Color: Orange
Other details: blah blah blah
pretty simple stuffs!
Then an RP is made by who ever, and people are free to join; the first post has the plot and information.
RP Title: Sammiches
First Post: In a land far far away in a galaxy in a distant land there was living foods! But the mold nation is out to destroy them all!!!
1) Characters most be food
2) No god mode
3) no double post
the next post should start the RP off, (usually the RP maker starts it, but not always). We commonly use third person limited for the point of view, but not everyone always does.
First post example:
Nacho Cheese was down by the chocolate river looking down, his yearning for adventure growing as she dove into the liquid syrup. He was carried down stream, towards Taco Land, where be met with his good friend Tommy-Taco.
Then the next post would be by someone else, and it continues in that fashion.
XD I don't know if that helps or makes it harder, feel free to browse the RP section for ideas or a better understanding.