The town sat with a grim disbelief,"its our mayor, it has to be i cant believe it." "Mr.Mayor Asamashi we have come to hang you." "BLASPHEMY I HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG! I AM YOUR MAYOR", asamashi pleaded.
the tied his hands up and and brought him to the ladders. they tied the nous around his neck and pulled the switch. Limp his body went as he struggled to free himself from the rope of fate. alas it was impossible and the mayor was alive no more.
Asamashi hanged still and lifeless no movement no breathing at all. the town looked in disbelief. we were wasn't the mayor, but then
Asamashi's blood flew from his body and it was the color red and deep maniacle red, not the color green of the average townie or the shaded blue of special individuals but red of mafia blood. the town knew they had made the right choice.
End of day 4--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Townies win!!PS: please vote one last time in the mafia voting thread and post if you liked mafia and would like me to continue making more games >:3 if so please invite friends more friends = more ppl to kill ^_^
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