I can usually control my dreams.
I love dreams.
I hate it when people try to tell me my ESP dreams aren't real. They're real. The problem with them is, once I realize I've had them (Because they're just like any other random dream I've had, and as such, they're forgotten quickly. Or simply, they are a dream I don't remember in the morning, although I recall I had such a dream.) and the event happens, I cannot alter the flow of time to stop the dream from becoming reality. Only the split-second it ends am I able to say to myself "Wait. I saw this in a dream." (Though the whole time throughout the sequence of time in which I foresaw in my dream, I am thinking "I've seen this in my dreams." although I'm almost watching myself carry out the dream, exactly as I remember it.)
I don't understand it. I'd love to be able to find out why I have those dreams all the time.