you just a cat boy...
You're good at webgames, congrats. I'm good at bass. Neither really matters.
Making cartoons doesn't matter to say a bus driver or a ninja. But to me it's the best thing on earth. Things matter to each person depending on what they like. Next thing you will be saying is "life doesn't matter". Before you say this, watch this.
I love all life, good and bad, the bad cause they give me a real life challenge, I eighther turn them good and save the good, or take down the bad without killing them and save the good!!!!!!!!!!!!!
all life matters!!!!!!!!!!
also I have many hobbies/skills, after all I am an extreamely powerful {but not more powerful than god} non-human, I can do what-ever/when-ever I want, though I barely have teleporting down, in other words, if I were to try to do it right now I could end-up anywhere {except where I'm wanting to go}, as for flying goes, I'm not an {air element} type, I'm actually a fire type, while my shannon is a water type!!!! though I'm an excelent jumper of course!!!!!!
I'm not saying that, I'm just making a point that we both have talents that we are proud of, but neither could matter to one another.
I have respect for all life, and anyone who takes his/her work/hobbies/talents seriously, and that even includes you Wes, that is unless it is used for evil!!!!!!!!!
I'm not trying to out-do anyone, but if you haven't noticed I've gotten everyone interested in your/my subjects +I've caused more activity on this site from the current humans that still use it that I talk to!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so like I have said before, I help whenever it is needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!